Fistula in Ano Treatment

A fistula-in-ano is a granulation-lined aberrant hollow tract or cavity that connects a main opening inside the anal canal to a secondary opening in the perianal skin; secondary tracts can be many and extend from the same primary opening. An anal fistula is a tiny tunnel that connects an infected gland within the anus to a skin hole around the anus. Pain and swelling around the anus are symptoms. The diagnosis and treatment options are outlined. An anal fistula is a tiny tunnel that links an abscess, which is an infected cavity in the anus, to a skin hole around the anus. The external orifice via which feces are discharged from the body is known as the anus. Several tiny glands that produce mucus are located just inside the anus. These glands can become clogged and infected, resulting in an abscess. Approximately half of these abscesses will develop into a fistula. Surgery is nearly always required to treat an anal fistula.

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